Sunday 31 January 2016

Can you find the...? Puzzles

I was on Facebook this afternoon and a post was shared. It was another one of those find the... images. Only took less then five seconds and I found it. Can you find the lady?

It was the artist Dudolf who re-instigated this craze with his christmas 'find the panda' amongst the snowmen. Loads started popping up all over facebook. Here's a sample of another by Dudolf with owls where you have to find the cat.

It reminded me our the Where's Wally or Waldo (depending on where you're from) we used to stare at for hours as children. May seem like a waste of time but I believe my focus for seeing minuet details when I'm out and about, taking in the sights of all my surroundings, like tiny birds, insects, leaf detail, flowers etc. is thanks to these kind of puzzles. If find they help to focus my mind and relax me. So here's a few more:

For more Where's Wally images:

Can you find the dog?

Can you find the face?

Can you find the different emoji? 

Downloaded this game to my phone. It's harder then it looks as you have a set amount of time to whizz through as many of these sets as you can... after half an hour got my score up to 37 but then my eyes started to blur the colours. So short sharp burst of this game and I'll raise my score before I know it.

Can you find the panda?

Another panda?

One more Panda?

And a four leaf clover just for luck?

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