Tuesday 15 December 2015

Animals at the Manchester Imperial War Museum.

Not only do animals have roles to play in war torn countries physically, emotionally they can be comforting in times of need also. These photos were taken from displayed pieces at the imperial war museum.

These toy dogs were made by Soldiers who could not afford to by presents for their children back home. They used what material they could get the hands on.

These old photographs were everywhere, this one in particular was in a room where there were drawers. These drawers depicted the lives of single people, couples and families who were there in these terrible times.


This Crocodile was huge it was made using used guns and empty bullet shells etc. Just amazing craftsmanship.


Informative help books using visuals with animals and insects.       

This cast iron statue was simply gorgeous. The detail and textures on it, have a proud air about them.

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